28 Stanley Street, 1/Floor, Central, Hong Kong

Remote Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Sessions

When we think of therapy, CBT often pops up, but what is it? And how can it help on an organisational level? CBT was developed an American psychiatrist in the 1960s and has since gained popularity around the globe due to its successful outcomes during therapy sessions. Although it is generally associated with the treatment of mental health issues it has vast benefits for the workplace.

CBT is a talking therapy that aims to break the cycle of unhealthy cognitive distortions and behaviours, these can be in the form of ruminating negative thoughts or obsessive behaviours. In the workplace, CBT can be a valuable tool that provides employees with the skills and coping mechanisms to manage stress and anxiety, whilst identifying triggers.

Throughout our programmes, we have noticed a vast improvement in the reported wellbeing of employees, when CBT and other wellbeing solutions are combined. As such we offer counsellor led group and 1:1 sessions via our health cubicle software, webinars and other digital mediums. Personalised employee counselling programmes are an effective way to improve the overall health and wellbeing of employees and reduce absentee days through illness.

If you would like to know more, please visit our ‘get in touch’ page.