28 Stanley Street, 1/Floor, Central, Hong Kong


Priority Quest Limited

About Us

Priority Quest’s mission is simple yet effective; we aim to bring widespread workplace harmony and balance through the provision of corporate wellness services.

The stigma around mental health is thankfully dissipating, but there is still a long way to go to reach full acceptance. Sadly, the workplace is an environment that often harbours outdated ideas of mental health and ignores the challenges that face affected individuals. It has been estimated that 1 in 6 employees has experienced mental health problems at work, therefore, corporations have a responsibility to offer provisions that migrate workplace stress and promote widespread wellbeing.

Priority Quest developed our wellbeing services in response to these statistics, which have steadily increased as work and home schedules have become busier. We hope to engage and educate corporate clients by providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge to implement healthy workplace practices, ones that support mental health and the overall health of employees.

A healthy workforce is a happy and productive workforce. Start your journey to wellness today.